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Approximate Dimensions
18” x 24”
Oil on Canvas


This is the original oil painting created for the cover of Doctor Who: New Adventures with the Twelfth Doctor, Year Three #10 . Released Worldwide.


The original painting is unique in that it is larger as it had to be cropped to fit on the final cover and the lettering on the TARDIS signs was left off to be digitally added during production.


When purchased, this painting also comes with a free autographed copy of the published comic as well!

All new adventure begins for the Twelfth Doctor, Bill and Nardole! Celebrate the most recent TARDIS team in all its glory!

Richard Dinnick
Brian Williamson
Cover Illustrator
David Carr
Rob Williams
Triona Farrell
I.N.J. Culbard
Cover Illustrator
David Carr

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Original Oil Painting for Titans Doctor Who Twelveth Doctor Comic

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